My Info-Addiction

Check out my Bloglines-Account to see what I’m talking about: More than 50 news-sources generate about 200-300 news-items for me every day. Gee, great! While it’s nice to have all those webdesign-trends, music-reviews and mac-rumors in one place, it’s getting a real burden to keep up to the masses of information. I’ve even begun to relay news-item into bookmarks for “later reading” rather than simply dismissing them. While some of the information is valueable for my job/studies, most of it is just gossip and pointless info-junk.
Example: Take the whole Mac-Rumors. Even on their first occurrence they are obsolete, but they get really redundant when being picked up by other newsmags, often just crosslinking without additional comments. The “New Powermacs?”-Rumors recently added up to a dozen items, all talking about the same vague info. Same on the 1001st “Why Mac?”-article – I just can’t resist to read it, although all the arguments are barely new to me.
So, what’s the solution? Perhaps it’s just better filtering of interesting topics, fine-tuned RSS-subscriptions (only certain topics and tags), or even a personal editor which pre-selects my news (well, someday…*g*). The most practical approach I found yet: social bookmarking, which could also be transferred to RSS easily. Check, a service which shows the “hot bookmarks of the day” (but beware, very addictive!). Another approach is Google News, which uses software for the same thing (see Newsmap for a great interface-idea).
Or maybe…just subscribe less feeds, go out, read a book? Welcome to the life of an info-junkie *g