JQuery columnizeList Plugin

I’ve spent a rainy german saturday hacking away on my dusty ol' website. Because of the current layout without sidebars, I had to find an unobtrusive place for meta-information like tags or archive-links. Those chunks of information can grow quite large, so i decided to expand into length rather than height and go multi-column for longer lists. Before I fully understood the stony way that lay before me, I’ve found an article on “A List Apart”-magazine outlining different ways to tackle this problem. Because of lacking support for true multi-columns we have to resort to some slightly hacky CSS, either floating or applying negative margins.

My solution works with negative margins, but automatically applied through a JQuery-plugin (see example below). It seems to be rather stable across browsers, but has the usual quirks of using CSS for something its not intended to perform - make sure to read about the CSS-limitations of this method over at “A List Apart”. By the way, you can see this plugin in action through the “archive”-area at the top of this website


  • Styling of ordered/unordered lists
  • Configurable column-count and width
  • Resize-friendly em-based sizing
  • Easy restoring to “non-column” layout
  • Automatic adjustment on DOM-modification of the list (Firefox only)
  • Requirements: JQuery 1.2 (download)
  • Browser-Compatibility: Firefox 1.5+, IE6+, Safari 2


Just apply to any group of DOM-elements gathered by the amazing JQuery-selectors. The provided arguments are optional (these are the default values).



  1. harold (3550)
  2. horatio (1320)
  3. hitler (1120)
  4. henry (784)
  5. hector (358)
  6. haploid (315)
  7. hopping (50)
  8. herbert mulroney (44)
  9. hopscotching (29)
  10. hominibus (19)
  11. honkey (19)
  12. hermoine (18)
  13. hieronymus (13)
  14. halliburton (12)
  15. hummer (10)
  16. harlod (10)
  17. heironymious (9)
  18. hemorrhoids (7)
  19. hammersack (6)

Just in case you’re wondering: The demo-list consists of the most common fillers for the phrase “Jesus H Christ” ;-)


 * Copyright (c) 2007 Ingo Schommer (www.chillu.com)
 * Licensed under the MIT License:
 * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
 * Splits a /-list into equal-sized columns.
 * Requirements: 
 * All list-elements need to have the same height.
 * List has to be blocklevel
 * Caution: margin-top/margin-left on  are overridden.
 * Doesn't react to changes to the DOM, you need to call the function
 * manually afterwards.
 * @see http://www.alistapart.com/articles/multicolumnlists
jQuery.fn.columnizeList = function(settings){
    settings = jQuery.extend({
        cols: 3,
        width: '13',
        unit: 'em'
    }, settings);
    var prevColNum = 0;
    var size = $('li',this).size();
    var computedColHeight = 0;
    var baseFontSize = parseFloat($(this).css('font-size'));
    $('li',this).each(function(i) {
        var currentColNum = Math.floor(((i)/size) * settings.cols);
        if(prevColNum != currentColNum) {
            computedColHeight = $(this).height();
        } else {
            computedColHeight += $(this).height();
        prevColNum = currentColNum;

    var onchange = function(e) {
        if(!e.originalTarget || e.originalTarget.tagName != 'LI') return true;
        var scope = this; // caution: closure
        setTimeout(function() {$(scope).columnizeList(settings);}, 50);
    return this;

jQuery.fn.uncolumnizeList = function(){
    $('li',this).each(function(i) {
        if(!$(this).attr('style')) return;
    $('ul',this).each(function(i) {
        if(!$(this).attr('style')) return;
    return this;